Saturday, 7 February 2015

Work Commitments

Today is just going to be a short update.

Recently I've been spending a lot of time at work, and not having a lot of free time.

The long and short of it is, being someone who frequently writes content and blog posts for the company I work for, I often don't find the time to be motivated enough to write new content for my own blog as it seems like more of a chore.

In addition to this, I am frequently finding less time to commit to hobbies and things I enjoy. I am finding that I have a growing backlog of unfinished projects that I want to write about, but due to them making little to no progress, there is nothing to write.

I am hoping that in the coming months I will be able to find more time to devote to my crafts, as it is something I would really like to get back into doing frequently.

I have decided that in the meantime, I may write about some other experiences and opportunities I've been having within my daily life.

The content may be something different to what I've posted previously, but I am wanting to continue updating this blog throughout the year, even when I haven't been doing much relating to craft.

Here's to hoping that I will find more time for writing and finishing my projects.

See you soon!

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